How can I help you?
Your computer repaired and working or you don’t pay a penny!
Is your computer not behaving as it once did? – Call me I can help!
Is your computer failing to start? – Call me I can help!
Do you need UNBIASED advice from someone who doesn’t just want to sell you a new computer or an upgrade that they just happen to have available? If your PC or laptop isn’t behaving as it should be, or it needs to be upgraded, to have more memory, a faster and larger disk drive or you just want someone to talk to about your PC problem then talk to me. I offer a comprehensive, competitively priced, computer, laptop or home network diagnosis and repair service.
I deal with all aspects of hardware AND software for Windows based computer systems and any networks to which they are connected, be that wired, wireless or just a broadband connected system.
I DON’T sell new PCs, so rest assured unless your computer really can’t be fixed I won’t recommend that you buy a new one. If I do, then you can be sure that I won’t profit from you buying a new computer- as I don’t sell them!
What have you got to lose?…NOTHING! So call me now for a friendly, no obligation discussion to resolve your computer system problems for your home computer or your small business computer systems.
My greatest investment in advertising is through word of mouth. I want you to be DELIGHTED with the service that I give, so that you will recommend me to friends, family and colleagues.
I can be contacted on 01858 440478 or 07982 729511 but not after 20:00 thanks!
About RepairThePC.Co.UK

I hold the Microsoft MCSE certification which is the highest technical qualification that Microsoft award - This is your assurance that I am fully trained and more than a home enthusiast who has learnt their trade solely on a home computer.
I have worked on PCs, Servers and Computer Networks for a very long time. The very first PC that I was employed to support used DOS 2.0. I have, over the years, worked on ALL versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems at a professional level. I have supported organisations that have thousands of PCs and Servers deployed across multiple sites via complex network topologies. In addition to supporting PC systems I have installed, repaired and updated complete PC and Server systems
For your peace of mind and security I now hold an Enhanced CRB check - see FAQ for details